Wednesday, December 15, 2010


We often come across with the people who like us so much that whatever we say they abruptly say “YES-We agree” to everything and to those persons who doesn’t like us and will abruptly say “NO-Its lame, we don’t agree”. This is a very dangerous and alarming behavior which if carried out in masses will lead to complete choking of minds and will cause unbelievably bigger problems.

A person that assumes about somebody that he is a failure personality due to his past experiences or may be he doesn’t like him due to his religious differences, national differences, society differences or may be some personal barriers, whenever will hear a suggestion or a comment from that somebody, will abruptly say “NO”. This is because he has pre-assumed that whatever he is talking is false and “I” can’t believe him. There are so many philosophical reasons to believe that this behavior is a complete wrong. However I want to highlight just a bit of overshadowed portions, whenever we say NO or may be even YES to a comment (pre-assuming), we are actually responding to that person and not to that comment or suggestion which is totally wrong and raw behavior. Then if we argue in favor of our choice about that comment, then basically we are arguing about ourselves and not about that comment, we are trying to prove that I was right in judging you at first place (Sometimes it can come out as right, but I am talking about the approach, which is totally wrong).

Intelligently we should give more importance to an experienced person, and experience means failures and observations, so one who fails, gets experience and is bound to talk sense if he learned from his failures.

In my professional career I learned so many things but the most effective thing I’ve ever learned is “First reaction is Raw”, whenever you respond to something unusual, your first response is an emotion which contain minimal output from your thinking process. So first reaction is raw, come up with your second reaction, which is polished, more thoughtful, more decent and it has reasons.

 When the possible responses are more than one, reaction time increases and more the possible responses are more is the reaction time. There is noJHuman have response time of 250 milliseconds, this is the response time of our physical reaction to an utmost uneven or may be even action which requires spontaneous reaction e.g. when a fly is buzzing us and we want to distract it. When we listen to something and we have to react on it, the reaction time depends upon the possible responses, if there is only one response then its very minimal (reaction time) e.g. Are you a boy? authentic study how much is the response time to a suggestion (but is way more than the physical reaction time), although an algorithm is available! So whatever you do, don’t respond instantaneously, don’t pre-judge or pre-assume.

 flowers are found in bunch of thongs, pearls are found on sand ofJThere are some poetic way to explain this as well,  beaches, and you never know from where a good suggestion or idea can come, so be open minded to even your worst enemy as well.

). We are stuck with an opinion and we are biased for it and we abruptly respond in our favor. Unfortunately, today we are facing this as a global problem and can be referred as perception issue as well. Our enemies (which we think are our enemies) slap us always, no matter what we are doing or what we are saying, now people who are more inclined towards those poles will keep on slamming us and our systems and whatever we say they will say just a big “NO-its lame, I don’t agree” and people who are inclined towards these poles will always think those poles as their enemies no matter what are they doing. So if I am to implicate this scenario to Global situation w.r.t Pakistan phenomena then both parties have this pre-assumingJNow if we extend this pre-assuming behavior a bit then it becomes Extremism (our favorite topic behavior problem and are not open enough to either of the party.

If somebody gives us a suggestion and we respond him abruptly this means we are killing our thinking process, our evaluation capability and research content, and if we carry on like this we end up rusting it. Then not only we killed confidence of a person but killed our behavior as well.

In the end I think, We need to think! we shouldn’t pre-assume about anything, at any level, talking to a friend, a relative, an enemy, a stranger, or anybody. This kills his confidence and rusts our thinking process, overall behavior and personality. And when you give importance to others and their opinions, they grow in confidence Jand world is a good place to live

Happy Thinking and sweeping Pre-assuming Behaviors.

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